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Finnwatch is fighting against human rights violations, tax avoidance and adverse environmental impacts of business enterprises. To continue our work, we need your support.


Spotlight on climate impacts of business enterprises

As a result of our work, companies have begun to address greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains. We have exposed shortcomings in the voluntary offset market and sparked public debate about the need to regulate the offset market.

The government has taken action to curb aggressive tax planning

We have successfully raised awareness of aggressive tax planning. Our advocacy efforts have resulted in legislative changes and contributed to government decisions to adopt a mining tax, introduce tighter interest deduction limitation rules and to study possible amendments to controlled foreign company rules.

End to the exploitation of thousands of workers in Asia

We have supported victims of forced labour and human trafficking in Thailand, improved working conditions in palm oil plantations in Malaysia and factories in India. Thousands of workers can now organise and working conditions in production facilities have improved.

Other ways to support our work

Organise a Day's Work collection at your school!

Through Day's Work collection (päivätyökeräys, taksvärkki) students can join the call for more responsible companies by donating one day's salary to Finnwatch. Schools can decide the timing of the collection and the amount per student themselves. Participation in the collection is voluntary for the students.

Become a Finnwatch Supporting Member!

Persons or entities with legal capacity who agree with Finnwatch mission and who commit to upholding its by-laws, can become Finnwatch supporting members. Supporting members have the right to participate in and speak at Finnwatch annual general meetings but no right to vote.