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Conditions Monthly donation
Recurring card payment

Terms and Conditions from 11.06.2024

Recurring card payment is an ongoing, open-ended contract, where your card will be charged a monthly sum agreed.

Collected funds will be used FinnWatch Association's work.

The donation will be charged from your card each month during days 27th to 31st. If a payment card does not work on the agreed date, we will try to charge again in the next two business day. 

The donation amount is chosen at the time of accession. If you want to change the amount of your donation, please contact Finnwatch at The very first donation of the monthly donation is charged the time of accession. The donation agreement may be terminated by contacting the Finnwatch to We reserve the handling of changes related to card payment time for three weeks.

Card in the event of a change to the email address we will send a link through which you can upgrade to the new card information.

FinnWatch Association does not handle and store donor card number at any time. Our service provider Nets (ex. Luottokunta) to guarantee the safety of card payment system PCI DSS certified (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). Online bank charge on your / your statement shows FinnWatch.


Terms and Conditions from 11th October 2023 

A monthly donation with an invoice is a continuous, indefinite contract. The funds collected will be used for the work of Finnwatch ry.

You will receive the first invoice for the current month by e-mail within a week from the day you started the monthly donation. The invoice has 14 days for payment from the date of the invoice. Order Finnwatch’s e-invoices in your netbank. Your invoice reference number serves as identification.

After the first invoice, you will receive a monthly donation invoice on the first day of each month. The payment period on the invoice is 14 days. The invoice will be delivered by e-mail or after ordering an e-invoice as an e-invoice to your netbank. For monthly donors who joined before October 11, 2023 and chose e-invoice as the payment method, the monthly donation invoice can be sent by mail if necessary.

The donation amount is chosen at the time of accession. If you want to change the amount of your donation, please contact Finnwatch at  The donation agreement may be terminated by contacting Finnwatch at We reserve three weeks for processing changes related to invoicing.